Spray Foam Insulation Provides Better Indoor Air Quality

Do you have allergies? Have you ever found mold in your home? If your home is not air sealed properly these contaminants are finding their way in very easily.  In order to prevent dust, allergens or mold from entering your home, you need to control the air that’s coming in. Sealing crawl spaces, basements, walls or attics with spray foam can protect you from airborne allergens, pollution and molds making your indoor quality better.

Spray foam insulation prevents mold growth because it keeps the humid air from entering your home and makes it much easier for your HVAC system to control the indoor humidity. When there is no moisture, molds are unlikely to form as they need moisture in order to survive. Also, the components of spray foam insulation aren’t a source of food for mold.

Your home’s “envelope” or shell protects you from outdoor environmental elements. Air can escape through cracks and gaps making your house feel uncomfortable and your energy bills expensive. Unfortunately, a typical residential home has large amounts of envelope air leakage through the windows, doors, and walls, as well as through attics and crawl spaces.

Because of this, the comfort and safety of dwellers are sacrificed not to mention the need to pay high electric bills because air-conditioning and heating systems need to work more in order to maintain the comfort level inside. In order to secure the safety of your family and maintain good air quality inside your home, experts suggest that you insulate it.

Spray foam insulation is the number one choice of homeowners today as it provides long lasting results and can successfully contain good air quality inside residential spaces.

Because of this, you and your family are given a cleaner environment, free from harmful emissions that can cause allergies and diseases.