When should you raise your concrete and when should you replace it?

There are many reasons to raise your concrete instead of replacing it.

The first and most obvious one is cost, typically it’s going to be much less cost to raise it because it takes less labor and material.

Also, raising concrete is a very quick and noninvasive repair process compared to replacement. If you have a backyard patio think of the mess it’s going to create to get the old concrete hauled out of the backyard and the new one put back in and then the cure time. With our process we park on the street and run a hose to the back yard, no damage, no mess and we’re typically done in a few hours with no cure time.

If you have a factory floor that needs lifted or has a void under it, consider the cost associated with the downtime involved to replace it. Can you afford to shut down your production line for 5-10 days? will you have to move your stationary equipment? Sealtite can come in at night or on the weekend to avoid shutting down and completely eliminate any downtime or the need to move any equipment.

If only half of your concrete is settled are you going to only replace half? If so, your concrete will be 2 completely different colors for the next 40 years. If you raise it you won’t have that issue.

What is the reason it settled in the first place? If it is poorly compacted soil and it’s not addressed then your new concrete will continue to settle. We have a process called deep injection that we can use to densify and stabilize the soil to prevent future settling.

If you replace it, is it guaranteed not to settle? If you hire Sealtite to raise it you will have a LIFETIME guarantee!

There is however a few reasons to replace your concrete. If your concrete is deteriorating, has an abundance of cracks in it, or if a tree root has actually raised a portion of the concrete you should consider replacing it.